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Farragut, Knoxville, TN

Thursday, December 10, 2009
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I wanted to get a photograph of Hayden smiling because it's something that he does all the time now. Of course he stops and gets very serious if I point a camera in his direction, but I managed to catch a few happy expressions by shooting without looking. He's becoming much more aware of his environment and really enjoys being propped up so that he can look around.  I was trying to get his attention, but he just wanted to stare at his feet. He hasn't really figured out that they belong to him yet, but once in a while he'll notice them and seems very surprised and interested.

Happy Baby

Happy Baby

Happy Baby

Happy Baby

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Farragut, Knoxville, TN

Wednesday, December 2, 2009
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After spending several Christmases away, this year I finally get to decorate and spend the holidays at home. Over Thanksgiving weekend, we put the tree up. I couldn't hang all of the stockings yet because most of my stocking holders won't sit on the beveled edge of our mantle. It's really sad since I've been using the same santa holder since I was little, but I'm going to have to shop for some new ones. I also haven't made a stocking for Hayden yet so we just hung up the one that I made for Marcus.

Hayden likes to stare at the lights, and last night he cooperated for a few photographs in front of the fireplace. He's getting the little, red wagon for Christmas.

Also, he rolled over for the first time today! He went from his stomach to his back twice in a row for me and then once again for Marcus in the evening. Now he's going to be able to avoid tummy time by just rolling over when he gets tired of it.

Christmas Decorations Are Up

Christmas Decorations Are Up

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Farragut, Knoxville, TN

Monday, November 30, 2009
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He finally figured out how to use his arms to push himself up off the floor, and here he is showing off on his play mat. He can't hold himself up for long though, and it takes a lot of effort - so much effort that he fell asleep on me shortly after tummy time. 

Baby Has A New Trick

Baby Has A New Trick
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Farragut, Knoxville, TN

Saturday, November 28, 2009
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I hope that everyone had a happy Thanksgiving holiday! I did a little shopping online, and we put up the Christmas tree. Hayden likes to stare at the lights. Today we went into the yard for a few photographs because I liked the shadows being created on the grass. This old carriage is really meant for baby dolls, but I call him my baby doll all the time.

Random knowledge: As a child, my mom's favorite doll was named Nancy. My favorite doll was named Big Baby. I also named my cat "Kitty" although I was so little that it came out as "Tikki".

Baby Doll

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Farragut, Knoxville, TN

Wednesday, November 18, 2009
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Hayden is growing!

He's always liked to be held while he sleeps during the day (which makes it really difficult to get anything done), and then a couple of weeks ago he started getting fussy for no reason. Well it turns out that he has reflux which is causing heartburn. That's why he spits up so much and doesn't like to be put down on his back. Now we're giving him medicine twice a day and hoping that it improves once he's old enough to sit up on his own.

In the meantime, I get to enjoy lots of time holding my baby which is especially fun right after he eats because he's in a good mood. He's getting very talkative and will usually smile and squeal and coo. Of course when I got out the camera, he decided that he would rather nap than smile.

Little Bunny

Little Bunny

He eventually did realize that I had put him down, and he woke up. He wasn't really in the mood for photographs though. I gave him his pacifier, and he tried to curl up and go back to sleep.

Little Bunny

Little Bunny

Little Bunny

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